“我会尽我所能去做好”用英文怎么说 我将尽我所能英文


“我会尽我所能去做好”用英文怎么说 I will do my best to do it well.

尽我所能,用英语怎么说 作谓语 可以用 try my best作状语可以用 as much as I can

尽我所能的英文怎么说 翻译如下:尽我所能to the best of my ability例句:我尽我所能地照顾他们。I take care of them to the best of my abilities

尽我所能,英文怎么说 尽我所能的英文:to the best of my ability一、2113the best英[e? best]美[ei b?st]冠;姣姣者;粹;最佳二、5261ability英[??b?l?ti]美[??b?l?ti]n.能力,资格;能耐4102,才能1、When I take on a task,I want to do it to the best of my ability and make no compromises.当我接手一个任务的时候1653,我希望尽力而为,不妥协不让步。2、I have fought for what I believe in.I have tried,to the best of my ability,to discharge those duties and meet those responsibilities that were entrusted to me.我为我的信仰奋斗过,尝试过,尽我最大的能力,辞退这些关税,迎接这些职责是委托给我工作。扩展资料同义词:一、make great efforts努力1、Everything is possible,the premise is you have to make great efforts。一切都是可能的,但前提是你必须要努力!2、Although there are some mistakes,you did it very well。You must make great efforts。虽然有些不足,但是我看到了你的努力二、exert oneself英[iɡ?z?:t w?n?self]美[?ɡ?z?t w?n?s?lf]v.出力;努力,尽力;励;娓Exert oneself by doing mental or 。

我将尽我所能用英语给他们讲故事.怎么样翻译 I will try my best to tell them stories in English.如果我的回答对你有帮助,望及时采纳。( ̄3 ̄)>;若仍有不明可以继续追问。

【如果我被录用了我将尽我所能做到最好。】-----翻译成英语. If I can get the job I will try my best.这句比较白话,原意,比较简单,是如果我能得到这份工作我尽力做到最好.If you hire me,my competence can exceeds your expectation.如果你雇用我,我的能力超出你的想象.以上.

尽我所能,英文怎么说 尽我所能的英文:to the best of my ability一、the best英[e? best]美[ei b?st]冠;姣姣者;粹;最佳二、ability英[??b?l?ti]美[??b?l?。

“我会尽我所能去做好”用英文怎么说 我将尽我所能英文


