全区沙化土地面积 envirenment china


envirenment china Scientific development,and youth ImagineConcerned about the environment and create beautiful communityWith the Beijing Olympic Games draws near,there is growing concern about environmental issues.China is facing the following major environmental problem:1.Severe air pollution problemsIn 1999,the SO2 emissions to 18.58 million tons,remained at a relatively high level,the economic losses caused by acid rain serious automobile exhaust caused major cities NOx,CO,the concentrations of ozone,occupation of a trend in photochemical smog;particle pollution is highlighted,the majority of the urban prevalence total suspended particulates(TSP)超标phenomenon.2.Water pollution and eutrophication problems remain unresolvedSeven major river systems,lakes and coastal waters large and medium-sized water pollution to be controlled.1999 seven major river systems,only 38.1 percent of the river sections to or better than surface water quality Ⅲ standard;131 in the vast majority of major 。

关于内蒙古,草原的环境与经济?请各位高人不吝赐教。谢谢。一、我国内蒙古地区草原沙漠化现状及对经济发展的影响(一)我国内蒙古地区草原沙漠化的现状 草原作为地球的。

青藏高原的目前主要环境问题是什么 一、水土流失 青藏高原的土壤侵蚀主要包括水力侵蚀、风力侵蚀和冻融侵蚀三种类型,此外,在一些地区重力侵蚀和泥石流也很发育.二、草地退化 草地退化是当前草原生态系统面临。

全区沙化土地面积 envirenment china


