英语翻译 The Whites are going to visit Dalian for vacation.They are staying for a week.They plan to go swimming in the sea and eat delicious seafood and Dalian food.They hope to make some friends there.Dalian.英语翻译 The Whites plan to spend their holday travelling to Dalian.they intend to stay there for a week.during their stay,they will swim in the sea and taste delicious seafood and Dalian specialties.What's mo.帮忙写一篇英语作文 字数要求,词汇要求什么的都没有…凑活写了篇~The Whites plan to travel to Dalian for their holiday.They prefer a one-week stay there.Then it will be time to swim in the sea and have a taste of the deli.用英语翻译下列一周的计划 On Monday morning I am going to attend the only class of Chinese lesson and the classic Chinesewhich I like best/most as well as focusing on reading.On Tuesday I am going to take the courses for PE and ideological educationwhich can help me exercise physically and train myself mentally.On Wednsday I am ging to design the machinery graphy improving my skills.On hursday I will have the least courses in the week and I plan to take part in some activities.Friday is undoubtedly the day which i am looking forward to best for when classes are over it is time for me to take a rest.On weekends I can give myself a leave to relax.一篇英语作文(30字)我的一周(五年级)带翻译 1.A nice SundayIt is Sunday and it is a fine day today.We come to the People Park with our English teacher who came from Canada.Look!Tom and other five boys are请根据汉语提示,写一篇初二级别的英语短文,60字左右. The Smiths planed to spend their vacation in Hawaii.They were going to stay there one week,then went swimming in the sea and try some delicious seafood.They also hope to make friends with others.Hawaii is a beautiful place,they will enjoy themselves happily and comefortably there.自己翻译的.见笑了.英语作文‘一周的打算’怎么写?带汉语 This weekend,I have a plan.Firstly,the morning get up early to do homework.And then to help my mother do housework,such as cooking,washing clothes and so on.In the afternoon,I play balls and swimmin.英语翻译 1.The Whites are going to visit Shangmen on holiday.2.They will stay there for a week,going swimming in the sea,trying some seafood and making some new friends.3.They will have a happy holiday there because Shangmen is so beautiful and the weather there is nice.英语翻译 He works in a large hospital.She keeps studying English hardly.He plans to live in my house for a英语翻译 1 他去美国度假了/他去美国出差了,可能要去10天.He has been to the USA for a holiday/He has been to the USA for business,and it maybe about 10 days.2 他要去 美国出差/去美国度假 多久?He is going to.
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