英语翻译 给人们带去温暖和快乐英文


“一个人的赞赏,就像冬天的骄阳,温暖人心,带给人快乐”的英语是什么 Compliment from a certain person is like the glorious sun in winter,warming one's heart and bringing along happiness at the same time.

英语翻译 What is happiness?Happiness is nothing but a psychological mood.Getting up and opening the window in the morning,the early morning spring breeze that washes our faces bring us the warmth of the spring.The ready brooming flowers alongside our way to work fresh our eyes with the beauty of the spring.We can fill up ourselves with the help of busy and order work in our companies.The praise and high evaluation from workmates and leaders bring about enjoyment in both work and life.


英语翻译 给人们带去温暖和快乐英文

高大可爱 ,对人友好,给人温暖和快乐,而且能帮人做很多事,比如帮助人看病的英语 翻译:Tall 翻译:Tall and lovely,friendly,warm and happy,and can help people do a lot of things,such as helping people to see a doctor

英语翻译 Behind smile,I think,hide many unkonwn secrets.Smile is beautiful and charming,which can bring warmth and happiness to people.However,after reading the story,we know that,can bring about disasters as well.For example,Nike was nearly killed because of the smile of the mysterious girl and the millionaire's daughter was mulcted of a large fortune by Mr Hollywood's smile.Thertefore,we should never ne deluded by the surface of the food.


