英语翻译 让我们讨论关于他的一天英语


英语翻译 Topic指的是土地的退化(land degradation),类似于沙漠化,主要是从保护自然的角度来说.几点提示分别指的是:人们对这一现象的关注度(concern),这一现象的成因(cause),以及人们应该从中得到的启示(implications),从政.英语翻译 1.Let's talk about festivals(节日).We are going to talk about Christmas.What about you?2.on the first day of the Spring Festival,everybody says\"happy Spring Festival.3.We all want to be someone.we should help others.4.Don't be nervous,you will be the winner.英语翻译 1:Let's now discuss this problem2:I found it'svery difficult to answer thisquestion3:Though they were not too tall,not very strong people,but they were a good team.4:How are your learning5:The train has gone,when we arrived at the railway station,英语翻译 1、很高兴能认识同学们 答:I am very happy to see so many new classmates here.2、我最大梦想是有一天可以环游世界答:My biggest dream is to travel around the world one day in the future.3、在未来三年,我.每节课前,英语老师就让我们一个人上讲台前用英语说一段话,类似演讲似的,必须是自己的话,我想谈论一下今 你对欧洲杯可能比较了解,有自己的见地,那么你先用汉语写下来然后用谷歌翻译,然后再修改下语法,就ok了啊,有修改不好的句子,我愿意帮忙英语翻译 1.I think I(have)(too)(many)(restrictive)rules at home.2.Do you want to(publish)(your)(ideas/opinion)in the magazine?3.Let's discuss thequestion(about)(fashion).不知这样与你的教材相符吗.

