当我老了,我希望当个农场主,有一个属于自己的农场.养养牛,养养羊,种种花之类的.我认为那样的生活很完美. When I get old,i hope to be a farmer and have my own farm.i can do thinks like raising cows,growing flowers,etc.I think such life is perfect.英语初一下学期作文 Last summer,I spent the whole holiday in my grandparents' farm.I used to think that farms are very dirty,boring and hard working place.But when I got there and experienced the farm life,it was so amazing and I totally changed my thoughts about farms.My grandparents taught me how to milk a cow.I full on freaked out because I have never done that and the cow didn't look very calm the first time we met.But I didn't want to look like a coward in front of others so I quickly put on the gloves and started milking the cow.It felt really weird at the start but as time past,I got very used to it and found that it was a fun thing to do.Then I got intereted in a lot of stuff in the farm.It was a great experience,farm is a very fun place,I wishI could go there again sometime.我家旁边的农场用英语怎么说? The farm near my home我想有一个自己的农场 英语怎么说? I want to have my own farm.ORI wander a farm of mine.
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