英文翻译 早睡早起对我们的健康有好处 这样句子只能用动名词做主语,否则就错误.Getting up early and going be bed early is good for us to keep healthy.
早睡早起对我们的健康有益的英文? Going to bed early,getting up early are
早睡早起对健康有好处的英文怎么说 It's good for our healthy to go to bed and get up early.
英语 翻译 早睡早起有益于身体健康。(do good to)
英文翻译 早睡早起对我们的健康有好处 知道 。电脑版 ?2020Baidu 京ICP证030173号-1 京网文【2013】0934-983号 追问追答 该链接由问题回答方推荐,不代表知道立场,请注意可能的风险。
英语翻译 早睡早起有益健康goodGo to bed and rise up early are good for health.校运动会将不得不推迟put offThe school's sport day has to be put off.在叔叔的帮助下,TOM写成了一首感人的诗succeedWith the help from his uncle,Tom succeeded in writing a moving poem.这条铁路横贯平原,把那个偏远山城与海港连接起来了remoteThe railway crossses the plain,and connects the remote village to the sea port.