她比我小十岁的英文 我比她大12岁 和 她比我小12岁用英语怎么说?


我比她大12岁 和 她比我小12岁用英语怎么说? I am 12 years older than she.She is 12 years youner than me.

我喜欢我儿子的英语老师比我小十岁在我们这支教明天就要走了我应该怎么对她说 你有老婆没有。有得话就算了。你和她不可能。没有的话,你可以去追求一下,看他答应吗。不答应的就不要勉强了。

英语翻译 他十三岁了,但他仍旧太依靠他父母.He is thirteen years old,but he is still too dependent on his parents.琳达外出时,你能照看她的儿子吗?Linda went out,can you take care of her son?我们起床早是为了赶早班车.We got up early in order to catch the early bus.不要花太多时间在电脑游戏上.Don't spend too much time on computer games.我认为小孩子没必要学英语.I think young children don't need to learn english.你介意打开窗户吗?Would you mind opening the window?要学好英语,只记住单词是不够的.To learn well,just remember a word is not enough.我必须每天打扫我的房间吗?Must I clean my room every day?

我比她大12岁和她比我小12岁用英语怎么说 我比她大12岁和她比我小12岁 I'm twelve older than her and she is twelve younger than me.

她比我小十岁的英文 我比她大12岁 和 她比我小12岁用英语怎么说?

她比我小一岁 用英语怎么表达? 她比我小一岁的英文:She is one year younger than I am younger 读法 英['j??ɡ?(r)]美['j??ɡ?r] adj.较年轻的 n.少年;儿童 例句 1、The younger man will 。


