Please come to help me 游泳时潜入水中,由于水对耳膜压强的左右,耳朵会胀痛.我已排除了两个答案 现在还剩两个 很矛盾 望各为大师们 快帮帮吾吧 A.潜入水中越深,胀痛的越厉害B在水中身体竖直向上时,耳朵左右都不感觉胀痛,因为两侧的压强都抵消了最好今天晚上就ok啊 再次说声Thank you
“潜入”英语怎么说 sneak into
英语翻译 I dived into the water and played with my friends where the water was shallow.We tossed fine(细沙的意思)sand at each other.When I grasped a handful of sand,I felt that there was something stirring(这里用的stirring是因为小螃蟹应该是骚动的,所以比单纯的move要形象~)in my hand,so I stretched my hand instinctively.Then I realized that I might have caught some animal.So I buried my head underneath and I saw a little crab。一点都没有机翻哟~完全自己翻的~
英语翻译 1.Submerges Shui Zhong2.Preparing food3.One meter is long 4.4.Enough strong 5.Is used for to do…6.In the past did frequently…7.Needs the fishing net to do…8.May swallow down 9.Attraction fish 10.Fr.
怎样用英语翻译这个人深吸了一口气,然后潜入水中。 答案如下: 答案如下:The man took a deep breath,and then dove into the water 希望对你有所帮助 望采纳~ 其他回答(5)