你看见我的狗了吗英语翻译 英语翻译


英语翻译 I 我saw 看见a 一只dog 狗in 在the garden 花园里这句话没有交代‘我’在哪里,‘在花园里’是指‘我’看到的狗

你看见我的狗了吗英语翻译 英语翻译

英语翻译 1.狗如果看见陌生人就会叫个不停 Dogs would bark endlessly if they see strangers.2.如果你不动,蛇是不会伤害你的The snake would not hurt you if you don't move.3.如果你参加野生动物俱乐部,你会了解更多有关野.

英语翻译 Amy was very angry yesterday morning.AMY昨天上午很生气Look,the dog is swiming toward the kite.看,那只狗正向风筝游去My father and I went flying kite yesterday.我昨天和爸爸去放风筝Her mother likes hiking in Fall.她的妈妈喜欢秋天去远足Did the dog jump into the lake?那只狗跳进湖里了 吗?We study together last weekend.上周末我们一起学英语Did you walk to Mike's house?你走路去MIKE家吗?My father didn't wash his car last Saturday.爸爸上周六没有洗他的小汽车

英语翻译 When I was on my way to the school last Monday,I saw an severely injured little dog,which seemingly couldn't last long for its life without any emergent helps.I immediately took the dog to the vet clinic in the vicinity.However,unfortunately,the little dog still passed away even with the huge effort from the doctors.I was totally in woe because of it,having no desire to eat anything during the dinner.I eventually told the story to my mom,and she praised me that I was a kindhearted boy.搞定了呵呵.人脑产品.

英语翻译中文 Last week she has had any matter.We should politeness treat people.When I saw some people join a production team,I very much will be angry.Grandfather's pet dog is always together with him.His words cause me to be angry very much.You must give back immediately the book the library

英语翻译 翻译句子1.一些狗就是不知道怎样玩.Some dogs(just)don't know(how)to(have)fun.2.我喜欢开晨会看到其他所有的学生.I like(going)to assembly and(seeing)all the(other)students.3.我们不应该玩太多的电脑游戏.We(shouldn't)play(too)many(computer)games.【我也是学生,高三的,希望有帮助^】


