第20150501期星梦奇缘里陈理和杨子晴拥抱的时候有首英文背景音乐 What Faith Can Do-KutlessEverybody falls sometimesYou gotta find the strength to riseFrom the ashes and make a new beginningAnyone can feel the acheYou think its than you can takeBut you're stronger stronger than you knowAnd don't you give up nowThe sun will soon be shiningYou gotta face the cloudsTo find the silver liningI've seen dreams that move the mountainsHope that doesn't ever endEven when the sky is fallingI've seen miracles just happenSilent prayers get answeredBroken hearts become brand newThat's what faith can doIt doesn't matter what you've heardImpossible is not a wordIt's just a reason for someone not to tryEverybodys scared to deathYou may decide to take that stepOut on the waterBut itll be all rightLife is so much Than what your eyes are seeingYou will find your wayIf you keep believingI've seen dreams that move the mountainsHope that doesn't ever endEven when the sky is fallingI've seen miracles just happenSilent 杨威前女友杨子晴是不是星梦奇缘里吧 她在里面不是牵手陈理吗?怎么又是李威又是陶喆的。毁三观啊
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