英语翻译 无菌操作室 aseptic manipulation room综合实验室 complex laboratory化验室 laboratory办公室 office水处理室 water treatment room 藻类种质保存室 algae idioplasm storeroom(这个是根据字面理解的,不够准确)藻.综合实验楼 的英文翻译应该怎么说 Integrated Laboratory building 很好。也准确。绝对不是Chinglish。不过也有很多地方用integrated experimental building翻译成英语 辅导《数字水印综合实验》instruct(in tutorship of)the integrated experiment on digital watermarking.主讲《计算机应用基础》give a lecture on the computer application foundation英语翻译 Modern exchange theory,principles of mobile communications,digital microwave and satellite communica电子系统综合实验用英语怎么翻译? electronic systemic comprehensive experiment英语翻译 The modern exchanges principle Move correspondence principle Numerical microwave and satellite corre几个课程的翻译 外国美术欣赏 Foreign art appreciation 网络数据库技术 Network database technology 图形图象处理技术综合实验 comprehensive exper英语翻译 食品工艺学综合实验 Comprehensive experiment in Food Technology Comprehensive experiment in Food Safety and Inspection C英语翻译 The article introduced systematically the JSX hydraulic pressure synthesizes the laboratory bench th英语翻译 The modern exchanges principleMove correspondence principleNumerical microwave and satellite correspondenceThe calculator network's technique is comprehensive to testThe technique course of the calculator application designsThe modern's commutation's technique synthesizes an experimentThe wireless' correspondence's technique synthesizes an experimentCorrespond by letter a software technique a comprehensive experimentData correspondence and calculator net
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