我的家乡 英语作文 英语论文我的家乡山西


我的家乡——山西 作文 我的家乡在山村,一年四季都那么美,美的像仙境一般。春天,这里生机勃勃,大地换上了绿装,各种植物竞相长出新叶,就像一幅画卷,柳树的枝条在微风的吹拂下轻轻摆动,像舞蹈家跳着芭蕾舞,草地就像绿色的地毯,中间夹杂着红色、鹅黄色的花。小鸟在山林里唱着歌,好像在歌颂春天的来临。夏天,这里依然那么绿,偶尔听到几声蝉鸣。我更喜欢下雨的家乡,下雨时,雨淋在树叶、房顶、地面的声音和在一起,就像雨天特有的音乐。下雨后,山中弥漫着雾,不时听到鸟的叫声,空气也清新了许多。秋天,大地换上了黄色地衣服,阵阵秋风吹黄了树叶,吹黄了麦地,吹黄了大地,吹熟了香甜的果实…田地里,农民伯伯收割着玉米,教室里,同学们朗读着课文。虽然秋天没有春天那么生机勃勃,但在我心中,秋天是最美的。冬天,皑皑白雪覆盖着大地大地又换上了白色的棉袄。冬天是一年四季中最纯洁、安详的季节。这就是我的家乡,一个美丽的地方。我的家乡山西作文400字 山西,是我们的家乡,是我们的摇篮,是我们的骄傲啊。下面是小编收集了我的家乡山西作文,欢迎阅读。第一篇:我的家乡山西 山西,在太行山的西边,因此而得名。。英语作文 My hometown My home is in Shanxi Province and pleasant scenery,seasons like spring,it's beautiful as King.I sat by a gentle stream of water was smooth bluestone ask on the stream that allowed the voice of calm in his right Qin Run to my heart,share of soft and subtle echoes in the depths of my heart.water passing sizes,strangely shaped rocks on the moss green domesticated hen.Quietly,moonlight integration into the streams,it seems that all things are in the United States to listen to this sound,sentiment this rosy picture.My thoughts have been flowing slowly drifting.An unprecedented a beautiful and wonderful,are along the traces of years of weathering Qin-dyed my breath.in the sparkling silver of the waves,I suddenly forgot what form of streams,sent a taste of what kind of sound but the rapt attention of a wholeheartedly into feeling.Streams that flow through my heart,delicate in consonance with each other,I with it had a tacit understanding of the.山西为话题的作文:我美丽的家乡-太原 小荷 作文 网www.zww.cn 玩了这么久,你一定饥肠辘辘了吧。让我们去大南门的山西面食馆去吃点东西吧。小 荷 作文网www.zww.cn 在山西面食馆里,有刀削面、拉面、揪面等。刀。My hometown 英语作文 My hometown is dalian.As for the scenic spots in Shanghai,I would like to say something about the Oriental Pearl TV Tower-a landmark of Shanghai.The tower is situated in Pudong area,just opposite to the Bund on the west bank of the Huangpu River.It is 468meters high and the highest tower in Asia and the third highest in the world.The high tower consists of three columns and eleven round balls.It looks like a string of pearls.In the upper ball,you can get a bird's eye view of the whole city.When night comes,under the reflection of multi-colored lamps,the graceful shape is ever fascinating.The tower combines sightseeing,catering,shopping,recreation and TV transmissions into one body.It has become an architectural symbol and a favourite spot for tourists in Shanghai.自己把家乡改一下就好了.朋友们谁能帮用英语写一篇介绍家乡的文章,我家乡是山西忻州 I am a Xin state of,the state of the Xin was a county in the past,called a Xin county,afterwards became a county class City,call Xin state region,the government halted ground in the Xin state,withdrew ground to establish city in the 90's,became ground class City,the full name Xin state City。Oneself arrive to shout city to walk through N back from the Xin state,if you are to drive,you can be high-speed from the top of the Xin state,then descend high speed from the mountain Yin,then walk right jade,kill dangerous spot,can arrive inside receive,so of the route be the most short,probably 400 kilometer,we drive to arrive for about 5 hours。Among them at right jade that piece of have a hill path,however isn't very long,30 kilometers are or so,also don't calculate difficult walk。If you if from inside receive to walk and turn over all right。From shouting city to come out should be walk first 209 National Freeways。Said pretty and clearly?Moreover walk to greatly and together want to much 。我的家乡在山西,那里风光秀丽,云冈石窟、平遥古城、应县木塔、五台山、悬空寺、九龙壁、晋祠公园,这些都是山西非常有名的地方。下面是小编整理的我的家乡山西作文三篇,。家乡除了她固有的可爱以外,家乡已经被注入了情感内涵,这种情愫已经融进了我们的生命。以下是小编为大家搜集整理提供到的介绍我的家乡的英语作文范文,欢迎阅读参考学习。。


