农村信用社银行卡号有些是数字还是英文字母 全是数字,是6
1减9分之5减9分之4等于多少 1减9分之5减9分之41-(5/9+4/9)1-10
英语翻译 The problem is,we've received the bank slip for than a week now,but the money hasn't been transferred into our account yet.We don't know what is going on,we'll wait and see how it goes.I will contact you if the money is still not credited into account after two days.Thank you。
几乘几等于57? 1*57=573*19=57
查字典填空。 钅 6 1625 yín讠 4 676 jiǎng毛 8 1324 tǎn广 5 310 diàn