维多利亚娱乐中心官网 阅读《宜居城市》,完成下列各题


阅读下文,回答问题。 19.宜居城市各具特色,但有一些共同的特点:具有良好的生态环境;具有合理的城市规 戈IJ;具有浓厚的文化氛围。宜居城市会让 人们生活得舒心、安心、放心,让生活更 美好。20.甲21.示例:宜居城市一要有合理的规划,让人们 生活更快捷,二要有良好的生活环境。汽 车出行一方面在一定程度上给人们的出行 和生活带来便利,让人们出行方便快捷。但为了能高效地出行,需要修建不同级别 的道路,使交通网覆盖面广,这就需要对城 市进行合理的规划。同时,需要通过各种 有效措施减少汽车尾气的排放,以保证良 好的生活环境。综上,对汽车出行进行合 理的规划,才能有助于宜居城市的建设。


维多利亚娱乐中心官网 阅读《宜居城市》,完成下列各题

英语翻译 With the development of China's economy and the rise of the overall national strength,China has raised its position in the world,and the image of country is being and important.However,the image is come from the interaction between the countries,and the information is transmitted through the public media.Movie is an importnt part of public media,and it's a very popular entertainment.With its great glamour,the character of entertainment,and the hidden of it contents,it has advantages of other public media in the sculpture of country's image.China's country image has been distorted,uglified and reflected incorrect in Western movies especially in American movies.This passage states the description of the image of China and about the country's image reflected by the Chinese movies through the different stages of American movies,so that to analyse the transform of the American movies to the develoment of the China's image and the trends of how the Chinese movies sculpture the 。


