江苏的综合实力在全国是不是最好的? 综合实力 英文


实力 用英语怎么说 实力的英文:strength词汇解析strength英[stre?θ;stre?kθ];美[str??θ]n.力量;力气;兵力;实力;长处例:His game is founded on power and determination.他的比赛靠的是实力和毅力。例:They've got a strong squad and some great players.他们有一支实力雄厚的e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad9431333431356133队伍和一些出色的选手。扩展资料近义词1、force英[f??s];美[f?rs]n.力量;武力;魄力vt.促使,推动;强迫;强加例:He took two women hostage and forced them to drive away from the area.他劫持了两名女人质并强迫她们开车离开这个地区。2、might英[ma?t];美[ma?t]n.力量;威力;势力v.可以;或许;应该aux.可能;也许例:There's a report today that smoking might be banned in most buildings.今日有报道说大多数建筑里有可能要禁止吸烟。怎样提高英语综合实力? 其实就是多听多读多写,还有就是别忘了口语的练习,很多人其实都是卷面分厉害,口语一塌糊涂的~综合经济实力的英文翻译 国家综合实力 英语 comprehensive national power是咱们发明的概念,想咋翻就可咋翻:)Comprehensive National Power(CNP)(Chinese:综合国力;pinyin:zōnghé guólì)is a concept which is important in the contemporary political thought of the People's Republic of China and refers to the general power of a nation-state.The distinguishing feature of this concept is that unlike most Western concepts of political power,Chinese political thinkers believe that CNP can be calculated numerically and there are a number of indices which combine various quantitative indices to create a single number which purports to measure the power of a nation-state.These indices take into account both military factors(known as hard power)and economic and cultural factors(known as soft power).CNP is notable for being an original Chinese political concept with no roots in either contemporary Western political theory,Marxism-Leninism,or pre-20th century Chinese thinking.


