想问问“这是我大概的想法”用英语怎么表达 This is my general view on it.
我能明白你的想法用英语用两种方法表达? I can uderstand you idea.
我不知道怎么来表达我的想法?用英语怎么说? i don't know how to describe my feelings.i don't know how to explain my idea.i don't know how to express my feelings.这些都可以.
有哪些英语用一个单词就能表达清楚但是用中文表达却很难表达的例子? trickyquestion 和difficultquestion区别在于,前者需要很巧妙的回答(可能是圈套),后者就是单纯说很难(可能无法回答)。脑筋急转弯就是trickyquestion,面试中问你「。
清晰准确的进行口头和书面表达自己的想法或意见 Express ideas and information accurately and understandably in both oral and written form