朋友他母亲去世了,今天去看过他,哭得很惨,我该怎么安慰他。一起工作这么多年,还没见过他这么悲伤,怎 他的母亲去世很多年了 英语


英语翻译 既然很重要,所以在下是负责的,经过斟酌,鉴于中英的固有差异,就翻译成这个样子了:It's been years since Mr.Zheng second's father was dead,but there wasn't any portrait as rememberance of the old man all these years long.One day,he accidently met an old beggar who looked like his father very much.So with sincere words he managed to invite the beggar home as a model so that a painter could draw a portrait of his father(out of him).They came to an agreement that in addition to sufficient meals everyday,50 doits should be paid when the painting was completed,which the old beggar was very pleased to accept.Then Mr.zheng second took out his nice clothes and the beggar put on them,then the painter began to draw according to him.It was still underway when the beggar got a plot in his mind:\"the clothes on my body must be worth at least several tens of silver,it would be fine if I can run away with these clothes and have a good survial of this winter.Therefore the next day,after the outline 。

母亲因我而去世很多年了不是正常去世的念什么经 地藏菩萨本愿经,超度亲人极好。切记诚心,念完要记得说诵经的功德回向给我的母亲某某某(姓名)。不过根据经典记载,你做的功德,你母亲只能获得1/7,其余6份,生者自利。你若有心,最好能至少诵满49部,若还有时间,条件允许,遍数越多越好。

英语翻译 1.we have been friends for years2.he is poor,yet he is very happy3.his parents passed away when he was still young4.Youths todays are very different from those a hundred year ago5.we must educate our.

#他的母亲去世很多年了 英语

