英语翻译 1.Recently we hold a fierce debate about whether people in the city should keep pets or not.2.I don't think it harmful to keep pets at home.3.One can improve the friendship living in a dormitory.4.We can spend some time visiting Beijing,where you can do some shopping.5.As we all know,the 2008 Olympics have been hold in Beijing.6.It is necessary to improve people's quality and education.7.Not only does it help me grasp knowledge,but also expand my horizon.8.Only by this can we protect our environment.9.It is because it is convenient to us to keep in touch with my family when getting into trouble that we use cellphone.10.There are many people in the park on weekends.描写同学们讨论激烈的句子有哪些? 今天在上政治课时,老师提出以\"效率优先,兼顾公平\"为辩题,让同学们展开激烈的辩论赛。在辩论的过程中,同学们争辩得十分激烈,互不相让,感觉像站在法庭上听审似的。。对于报纸是否会被取代我们展开了激烈的讨论 翻译 We had a fiery debate 辩论(discussion讨论?on whether newspapers would be replaced(by online news portals).求英语写作模板 大概的意思是 今天我们班关于xxxx展开了激烈的讨论,有些人认为,…… Today xxxx sparked a heated debate in our class,the opinions of which vary from person to person.Some students take a view that.while others tend to believe that.”同学们展开了激烈的讨论.”修改病句修改得出答案 我们展开了剧烈地讨论(修改病句) 我们展开了剧烈地讨论,其中的剧烈应该改为激烈,我们展开了激烈地讨论。
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