在讨论养宠物的基础上进行英语对话 哪一个安卓软件可以进行英文对话?


一个人从零开始学英语几个月可以和外国人正常对话? 零基础,至少要坚持半年,才能和外国人简单的对话。既然是对话,首先就是在听说上面着重练习,就像我们学习汉语一样,刚开始不会说话,就先多听,大量的输入,在线报个培训班,最好能一对一练习,天天听,模仿官方的发音,敢于开口练习,课后自己对着镜子练,对着玩具练,在微信上自己给自己扮演两个角色对话,认真纠正错误的发音,必须死磕听和说,这样慢慢才能培养出语感。其次,英语字母正确的发音和自然拼读,这个是必须学的,知道了字母的发音,说出来的话别人才能听的懂,学会了自然拼读你就能看见单词就能读出来,听见一句话能写出句子的重要内容,这个就必须要求掌握一定的词汇量,日常生活口语词汇3000个那样,一天记20个,差不多小半年过去了,所以要安排好每天的学习计划,上午听听力2小时,记单词1小时,下午自己练习对话2小时,语法知识每天学习1小时,时间是很紧张的。学习英语必须是一个循序渐进的过程,不能有任何偷懒的想法,多听,多记,多背,多练习,半年之后,简单的日常对话是完全没有问题的。

谁能帮我;我要一些学英语的基础方法从ABCD..开始学。先谢谢了! 1.外籍教师说:每天听半小时英语,培养语感(注意,是无意识地听),我们小时候也是这样才学会说话的。你可以在休闲中播,但只可以是半小时!2.抄得多自然熟,知识点抄抄抄。

求两人的英文对话,话题:大学生讨论高中最好朋友 A:hey,you look happy today.any wonderful news?b:yeah,my best friend lucy is going to visit me this weekend.a:to our university?wow,that's wonderful。32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333264623135 is she your friend from high school?b:yes.we have been friendds since we were twelve years old.we barely spend most of our time together.a:how sweet。i mean,you can still keep in touch with each other even if your are in different univeraities.b:well.when choosing universities,we have talked about choosiing the same university so that we can still be together,but when the scores of our college entrance exams came out,we knew it's impossible for us to be together again.a:why?did you guys have such a long distance in marks?b:not exactly.but,you know,things do not go as we expected.a:true.my best friend in high school and i were the same.we have been so good together.we shared joys and sorrows,laughs and tears.but as soon as we came into different universities,we do not 。

求大神英语情景对话 A:time flies.graduation is only months away.B:true.i think i am going to miss it.C:miss what?D:what do you think he's going to miss?of course the wonderful time we've spend together.am i right,B?B:you read my mind,bro.A:seriously,i can't believe it.Soon each of us will leave campus for good and go our seperate ways.How true it is that time flies like an arrow.C:And you bet fruit flies like banana.D:C,you made my side ache.B:He's just like that.Humor is in his blood.A:truth be told.I look forward to the big day but also feel a little scared as it draws near.B:I guess most of us feel the same.C:No worries,guys.Look at the bright side.We are young and we have a future before us.D:Absolutely.We do have a future.But I am going to miss you guys and miss everything that has happened these four years.A:How can one help it?They say college years is the best time in one's life.B:Can't agree more.But you sound a little sad.Look forward,the bright side,remember?C:makes great sense.We 。

英语水平不是很好,很担心考研复试中的英语听说怎么办? 英语基础比较差,初试倒是可以通过不断阅读努力通过。但是听说能力比较难以培养,目前在准备初试,平时也…



