我要举行一个生日派对用英语怎么说 孩子们打算在哪里举行派对的英文


英语翻译 1.她们正打算举行聚会.They are going to have a party.2.我昨天理了发.I had my hair cut yesterday.3.他们正在吃晚餐.They are having their supper/dinner.4.吉姆和索菲娅在度假.Jim and Suffiyar is on holiday.孩子们在儿童节通常在学校举行派对用英语怎么说 共5 5 During the Childrens' Day,kids usually hold parties in school. 希望对你有帮助^-^ 关注 Children usually hold party at schoolon Chidren's day. 。我们准备为他举行一个生日派对 翻译成英文 We are ready to hold a birthday party for him.英语作文 如何举办一个派对 There are different kinds of parties,such as birthday party,New Year's party,Christmas party and so on.Holding a party is easy and should not be a hard task.We should think about people we are going to invite,food and drinks we are going to prepare,where wer are going to have our party and activitie we are going to have.If we make a good preparation,I am sure we'll have a successful party.我们在哪举行派对用英语怎么? where will we have the party?孩子们将在儿童节开场派对英语 - 百 孩子们将在儿童节开场派对 The children will be in the children's day party.望采纳!谢谢!。投诉邮箱:baobao-fankui@baidu.com 世界很复杂 更懂你我要举行一个生日派对用英语怎么说 我要举行一个生日派对I'm going to have a birthday party.我要举行一个生日派对I'm going to have a birthday party.我打算今天晚上8点在家举行派对 用英语怎么说 We are going to have a party at home at eight this evening.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck。孩子们在正在举行一个聚会的英文怎么 孩子们在正在举行一个聚会 The children are holding a party.孩子们在正在举行一个聚会 The children are holding a party.


