英语造句...........要以当什么...,某人在干什么 某人在干什么吗用这个英语造句


英语造句 I watch him water the flowers.He watches him play the computer games.He sent me a letter.She sent me a gift.They let Linda sit down.They let me help them.We saw him read just now.We saw John watch TV.I heard her sing.He heard us talk.

英语造句...........要以当什么...,某人在干什么 某人在干什么吗用这个英语造句

几道英语造句 I chose a white shirt yestoday.我昨天选了一件白衬衫He is mending a car.他正在修理一辆小汽车By heating,we can change ice into water通过加热,我们能把冰变成水We should build the future for ourselves.我们应该为自己创造未来We can take good(care)of her我们能照顾好她

求英语造句。急用。 1.It's nothing strange2.See or hear somebody doing something3.take out

(英语)对某人来说做某事是怎样的 造句5个快 It is good for us to eat vegetables.it is bad for me to read in the darkit is difficult for him to sleep wellit is terrible for her to hear this newsit is sad for them to have another two courses this term.

英语造句。。。..要以当什么。,某人在干什么 Mary was walking home from work yesterday morning when she met one of her friends.They were watching an interesting film last night when the electrcity was cut off.Tom was doing his homework in the room when he heard his name called.We were driving to work last Monday when it began to rain.祝你开心如意!


这个英语造句怎么写?(各造2个) 1.have fun doing sth.很开心做某事 We have fun playing football.I have fun listening to music.2.tell sb to do sth.告诉某人做某事My dad told me not to go out without his permission.The teacher told the.


