三斤三两用英语怎么说 “此地无银三百两”用英语怎么说?


九点三十用英语怎么写 ,三点二十五用英语怎么写? 九点三十:nine thirty,half past nine三点二十五:three twenty-five

英语翻译 Products Introduction:The product is low noise,AC-DC,dual-use,rechargeable,unaerobic pump.It has original gas-capacity conditioning function and intermittentoxygenation function.Use Note:Air conditioning:Rotary from left to right will increase gas-capacity.Operation Model:The first block is continuous model,and The second block is intermittent mode.1.When it is charged,Please plug into power outlets.Charge indicator light.Unaerobic pump come into the charge state.It will spend 10 hours to charge adequately.The longest charge time is not than 15 hours.2.It shoud be recharged before use every time.Go out after use,It should be recharged betimes.Don't let battery in electroless state long-term.If it is unused long-term,please charges once every three months.Otherwise it will reduce battery life.3.Don't close to inflammable and explosive materials when it is charging.The products are mainly used for anglers out.It can be use the AC,when urgent need happen.But long-term use 。

3/2用英语怎么说? 是three seconds?参考: 三分之一:one third or:one over three 五分之二:two fifths or:two over five 十二分之五:five twelfths or:five over twelve 。

英语翻译引 言林业按照划分可分为大概三类,公益型、商品型和两用型[2].这里主要叙述后两种的林业经济价值和发展,前者只略提及.林业与农业的相结合发展,则可以成为一种生产出多种产品,

三斤三两用英语怎么说 “此地无银三百两”用英语怎么说?

三三两两用英文怎么说? in twos and threes或者 by twos and threes

“此地无银三百两”用英语怎么说?求大神帮助 A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence

斤两中的“两”用英语怎么说啊?像什么 a unit of weight equal to 50 grams 就不要说了

三个中的另外两个,用英文怎么说. the others;the rest;the other two of the three关键是前面的the不能没有


