这篇英文文章是什么意思? 英语美文分享什么意思


别人写给我一篇英文的文章 我不知道是什么意思 谁帮我看看 All it took was one kiss.I'm sure that.the wheele of fate tutned.and brought me to a perfect moment.of 。

求英语短文 500字----600字 最好有英语的文章大致意思 Love Love Should 1What a real love should be about.2Being in love should be about each other.It should be about sharing each other.It should be about sharing 。


英语美文摘抄 the rules for being human1.You will receive a body.You may like it or hate it,but it will be yours for the entire period.1.你将拥有一个躯体。你可以喜之也可以恶之,但它毕生都会属于你。2.You will learn lessons.You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called Life.Each day in this school you will learn lessons.You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid.2.你将接受教育。你入读了一所叫做\"生活\"的大学的全日制非正式学校。在学校的每一天你都将接受教育。你可以爱你所爱或者视之无聊而又豪无裨益。3.There are no mistakes,only lessons.Growth is a process of trial and error:Experimentation.The\"failed\"experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately\"works\".3.没有过失,只有教训。成长就是反复\"尝试-犯错\"的渐进过程,或者说是实验。那些所谓\"失败\"的实验和最终\"奏效\"的实验一样重要,都是这个过程的一部分。4.A lesson is repeated until learned.A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it.Once learned,you then go on to 。

这篇英文文章是什么意思? 英语美文分享什么意思

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