beloved 托妮 莫里森 谁知道莫里森的<宠儿>的内容和评论?


关于中日鬼怪神话的书 很多啊,1《葡萄地》(Vineland),作者:托马斯·品钦(ThomasPynchon)2《弗兰肯斯坦》,作者:玛丽·雪莱3《詹姆斯先生鬼故事集》TheCollectedGhostStoriesofMRJames),作者:詹姆斯先生(MRJames)4《动物寓言》(Bestiary),作者:胡利奥·科塔萨尔(JulioCortazar)5《在死者中间》(D EntreLesMorts),作者:皮埃尔·布瓦洛(PierreBoileau)和托马斯·纳尔塞耶克(ThomasNarcejac)6《微暗的火》(PaleFire),作者:弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫7《爱人》(Beloved),作者:托妮·莫里森8《聊斋志异》,作者:蒲松龄9《别人》(OtherPeople),作者:马丁·艾米斯(MartinAmis)10《哈姆莱特》,作者:莎士比亚《山海经》,《搜神记》《阅微草堂笔记《西游记《封神演义》,《镜花缘》,《济公全传》等等。

为什么《红楼梦》的评价这么高,她为什么比《白鹿原》《百年孤独》《罪与罚》优秀,怎么能读懂《红楼梦》? 为什么红楼梦的评价这么高,它比《白鹿原》《百年孤独》《罪与罚》《喧哗与骚动》优秀吗,为什么,怎么能…

托妮·莫里森写的《宠儿》被拍成电影了,那本电影叫什么啊 应该叫《真爱》Beloved,这本书很畅销的,电影也很不错,讲南北战争黑奴的故事。莫里森的代表作。网页 微信 知乎 图片 视频 明医 。? 2021SOGOU.COM 京ICP证050897号

beloved 托妮 莫里森 谁知道莫里森的<宠儿>的内容和评论?

谁知道莫里森的<宠儿>的内容和评论? Plot summaryThe book follows the story of blacks Sethe(pronounced\"Seth-uh\")and her daughter Denver as they try to rebuild their lives after having escaped from slavery.One day,a young lady shows up at their house,saying that her name is\"Beloved.\"Sethe comes to believe that the girl is another of her daughters,whom Sethe murdered by slitting her throat with a handsaw when she was only two years old to save her from a life of slavery,and whose tombstone reads\"Beloved.\"It was thought,at first,that Beloved's real name was Liz Granacher,but that is shown to be false later.Beloved's return consumes Sethe to the point where she ignores her other daughter and even her own needs,while Beloved becomes and demanding.Paul D.and Charlie McKnight know that Beloved is evil,but do nothing out of fear.The novel follows in the tradition of slave narratives,but also confronts the painful and taboo aspects of slavery,such as sexual abuse and violence.Morrison feels these issues 。

托尼莫里森 的beloved 故事梗概

谁能给我关于Toni Morrison的《beloved》的英文简介 内容简介: 内容简介:Staring unflinchingly into the abyss of slavery,this spellbinding novel transforms history into a story as powerful as Exodus and as 。

