关于节约用水,循环再利用水的初中英语作文 水循环利用作文怎么写


一篇英语作文 I'm little Water Drop 写水循环的那种 I'm little Water Drop A drop of water is very small,I'm little water drop,But I'm happy.I will be going to the sea.The sea is my home.I will be going on a trip.Spring has arrived,I let the flowers blo.


关于节约用水,循环再利用水的初中英语作文 水循环利用作文怎么写

水是如何通过树木来循环利用的英语小作文及翻译60字左右急需 Water is absorbed from the ground by the roots of the tree,travels through tubes to the green leaves,and is partly evaporated into the atmosphere by transpiration,and partly transformed into organic matter in the chloroplasts by photosynthesis,and transported throughout the tree.The part of the water that evaporates into the atmosphere returns to the ground by rain and is absorbed by the roots.水从地下由树的根吸收,经导管到达绿叶,部分经蒸腾作用蒸发到大气,部分在叶绿体经光合作用转变成有机物,运到树全身各处。蒸发到大气的那部分水,经降雨回到地下,又由根吸收。

关于节约用水,循环再利用水的初中英语作文 How to save water Water is very important in our life.We drink it every day and use it to cook and wash things.We can not live without water.But how can we save。


英语水循环作文 Water Cycle.Water starts in its liquid form,which is water as everyone known already.When water in lakes,oceans is heated up it turns into water vapours.Water vapours cool down and form clouds in the sky.Clouds has too many vapours in it and cannot hold any it rains.The water goes back into lakes and oceans when it rains.And the water is ready for another travel.你画图比这个简单多了=


