生化危机诅咒的主题曲土屋安娜(Anna Tsuchiya)的Carry On歌词 土屋安娜 carry on下载


土屋安娜zero的mp3格式下载 土屋アンナ-zero(192kbps)http://exs.mail.qq.com/cgi-bin/downloadfilepart?svrid=9&fid=7fd5596f72d031fb92e7a0422903f5c68b0d1b5148697c13提取码174f63117天过期

土屋安娜 carry on歌词 我从外站上找到的~:)非常喜欢这首歌~My father took me to the sacred place when I was a young girl,I grabbed his hand hard and asked who is conjuring this world right now.Now where is Heaven?When you were thrown into this world they say you were born insane.And why?In the world that gives me nothing,I need something to believe in.Fight my loss of faith,In my guarded cage.I am broken like an arrow,I have served for my heaven,Constantly out in wars we would turn away.Who should we scream at?Who should we follow?Who is my savior?Who doesn't turnHis back when in need?Why do we have to be sacrificed;Those who care to join our ring in the dark.Why do we have to live in a bloody world;Though,with the most fragile,let them fall on me,yeah.Cause we'll carry on,My memory will carry on,My voice will carry on.My voice will carry on.If there's nothing but survival,How can I believe in sin?This world is bleeding now and you can see its blood.Open your eyes now,Open your arms now。.

生化危机诅咒的主题曲土屋安娜(Anna Tsuchiya)的Carry On歌词 My My father took me to the sacred place when I was a young girl,I grabbed his hand hard and asked who is conjuring this world right now.Now where is Heaven?。

求土屋安娜 luck这首歌的下载地址 土屋安娜没有luck这首歌,你看错了,是lucy,我以前也看错过,呵呵http://www.kissbycat.com/download/Anna%20Tsuchiya%20inspi.mp3这是的连接

土屋安娜的歌曲MP3下载地址? kugoo:/|Music|土屋安娜-lucy-nana op3|5259264|53ceedc5a25dd3b903ce53dcc80416e5|/应该可以吧

谁能优雅地翻译出土屋安娜carry on的中文歌词 看过NANA之后就超喜欢土屋安娜,歌词手翻。carry on【继续】My father took me to the sacred place when I was a young girl,【当我还是个小女孩的时候,父亲带我了那个。

#土屋安娜 carry on下载

