晚上吃饭的时候 还挺开心的英文 明天晚上有时间一起吃饭吗 英文怎么说


英语翻译 楼上搞笑呢I'd like to invite you for dinner.

明天晚上有时间一起吃饭吗 英文怎么说 Will you available to have dinner with me tomorrow?

如果有人问你什么时候吃晚饭,我要说晚上六点钟吃饭,用英文怎么说? I eat dinner at six



晚上吃饭的时候 还挺开心的英文 明天晚上有时间一起吃饭吗 英文怎么说

如果有人问你什么时候吃晚饭,我要说晚上六点钟吃饭,用英文怎么说? when do you eat dinner


明天晚上有时间一起吃饭吗 英文怎么说 Are you available to have dinner(with me)tomorrow night?注:with me可用可不用

英语翻译 Today,I'm really happy.After I finished my homework,I went to shopping and the cinema with my classmate.And we luckily got a chance to skate in Tianjin JiLi mall.Skating was a tough play and I fell over myself many times,still happy,however.At night,I ate out with my parents,at the same time came many parents'friends.wow。what a happy day。

英语翻译 My New YearIn this New Year,I am very happy。New Year's Eve night,I watched the Chinese New Year party,especially fun。And gave her grandmother a reunion dinner to eat with them,my mother bought me a new dress,very beautiful。There are two of my cousin,they are particularly lovely,and we are very happy family。

#晚上吃饭的时候 还挺开心的英文

