把这句话翻译成英文。 货己发出,快递单号明天发给你。 Goods has been delivered and the express tracking number will be sent to you tomorrow.简单些:Goods delivered and tracking number send to you tomorrow.“我再查询一下,明天给你回复”,用英文怎么说? I'll check again and give you a tomorrow. I'll翻译为:我会 check again翻译为:再查询一下 。一、check again的用法 1、释义 再次检查 2、例句 。翻译成英文 剩余的工作我将于明天发给你 英文怎么说 剩余的工作我将于明天发给你The rest of the work tomorrow I will sent it to you.明天就给你发货,用英语怎么说 明天就给你发货英语翻译是I will ship it to you tomorrow. 1、读音:英[??p]美[??p] 2、解释:ship作为动词,有发货的意思,特指用船发货,用船运送,只能用作谓语。英语翻译 Tomorrow I'll send the other documents to you by email.Thank you very much.英语翻译 I'm busy with some other urgent issues these days and fail to get back to you in time.I will try to sent them to you tommorrow by finishing the last one.Please kindly advise in case any mistakes.英语翻译 1.I sent you the shipping documents to you on September 10.But for some reason,there were something wrong with our mail system.I am terribly sorry for that.Hereby I am sending you again the documents.Please kindly after receiving them.Furthermore,I sent you the original copies of the documents to you the same day.Please let me know after receiving them.2.Tomorrow I will take a leave.Just in case,please help to resend the attachments to this address to make sure that the customer can receive them.翻译成英文剩余的工作我将于明天发给你英文。 翻译成英文剩余的工作我将于明天发给你英文怎么说 剩余的工作我将于明天发给你 The rest of my work will be sent to you tomorrow.
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