经常回家很晚,不能按时交作业.用英语怎么说啊? 不按时交作业的英文翻译


你们必须按时交作业 英文翻译 你们必须按时交作业翻译为:You must hand in your homework on time望满意哦

英语翻译 Teacher and classmates,because I can't hand in the homework on time so to stand here to reflect on their own.Layout of history homework yesterday,I finish it on time,but this morning I went to school late,so the homework in a hurry,temporarily be negligent,forget the history homework to the back of the historical leader.I be negligent behavior can delay the leader collect,teacher assignments,also let their work could not let the teacher to change and correction.This is the one I shouldn't have made mistakes,but I have made,only that I was too careless.I will carefully check the homework,to school early,so as not to hurry,can avoid missed homework situation.I am here to teacher students solemnly say sorry,and that,I won't make that mistake,hope the teacher students can give me a chance。Thank you.

英语翻译题 It is said that Bill Gates is the richest in the world.It is said是“据说”的意思

经常回家很晚,不能按时交作业.用英语怎么说啊? 不按时交作业的英文翻译

英语翻译 1 you work do too bad。2 guarantees hands over work 3 menot to care about you certainly on time to say whyany 4 yesterday his work did complete5 you not to wait for me to say


