作文我与老年大学 我家的“老年大学生” 作文


求一篇大学英语作文。老年人在中国和在美国的区别。 The difference between the old in China and in the U.S.AWith different culture background and lifestyle,people of different countries live in different ways.When it comes to thequestion of the differ.

老年大学作文(我的大学情) 读老年大学本来就是一趣事,在闲暇之时学一点知识以消遣晚年,这样的作文应该自己写才有意义呀!

作文我与老年大学 我家的“老年大学生” 作文

求一篇大学英语作文!急!老年人在中国和在美国的区别! The difference between the old in China and in the U.S.AWith different culture background and lifestyle,people of different countries live in different ways.When it comes to thequestion of the difference between the old in CHina and those in the U.S.A,i think there are main three points that we should know.Firstly,the old in China still have burdens for their families.For example,the old raise the children of their sons or daughters.However,in the U.S.A,the old and the young do not live under the same roof.Secondly,the old in the U.S.A enjoy higher social welfare and prestiges than those in China.As America is a developed country,it has well-established social welfare systems that could ensure the well-being of the old.But the old in China could only support themselves with a small amount of retiring fees.Lastly,the old in the U.S.A live a happier and healthier life than those in the China do.People in the U.S.A put great emphasis on health-care and the value of life。.

南山集团的老年大学也是宋作文建的吗? 当然了。而且宋作文还表示:“我们办学不是为了赚钱,赚钱是靠企业。办学校是为了让南山的孩子接受最好的教育,提高南山人的整体素质。

大学英语作文,题目叫年轻人与老人, There is only one difference between an old man and a young one:the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him.The young always desire a certain identi.

描写老年大学的散文 老年大学,多大岁数人上可最适合?本人认为,只要你没上过大学的都可来;只要你有时间的都可来,只要你想认真而不是得过且过的都可来,而且,它能让你学到许多。。

我家的“老年大学生” 作文 我家有一个老年大学生,她就是我的奶奶,她都60岁了,还在学习呢,而且记性很好,有时候好难的题我都要好长时间才算上的奶奶一会就算好了,而且老师做不上的,奶奶都能做上,这个光荣称号就是我的老师给奶奶的,奶奶总是让我多动脑筋,这样脑筋灵活了,做题就不费劲啦,而且要多练习,不要贪玩,每次我一贪玩,奶奶就用一大堆的道理对我说,不过她说的很在理都听不出她哪一句是白说的!呵呵,奶奶原来是会计,所以她算术很快,我很佩服她,真是比大学生还大学生呢,看来,我应该把她的称谓改为:老年教授啦,哈哈哈哈”!

求一篇大学英语作文!急!老年人在中国和在美国的区别! The difference between the old in China and in the U.S.A With different culture background and lifestyle,people of different countries live in different ways。.


