哪位大神帮我用英语翻译下这段话呗! By mid century encounter peak fertility and family planning come one after another,to the beginning of this century.China accounted for the proportion of the elderly population is relatively large,but relatively few young accounted for the proportion of the population,in the face of reality,countries are not rich,and the social problem of aging population ismore prominent.According to the experts,in a recent period of time.Chinese society will be composed of a mild aging society gradually transition to the height of the aging society.A sharp increase in the number of elderly people,brought hitherto unknown challenge to the pension system in china.For housing reverse mortgage insurance related issues in2013 the State Council issued\"on accelerating the development of pension services a number of opinions\"has been mentioned,the new model house-for-pension scheme was put on the agenda again.This paper analyzes the various modes of housing endowmentand its possibility of 。
张国荣演《霸王别姬》后很长时间不能缓过来,是因为程蝶衣就是张国荣的一生吗? 找到了那个访谈的截图的来源链接:http://www.zhihu.com/question/5145 9956/answer/141779227回答中第四条。没有问过原作者同意,所以就不在这里贴图了。? 155 ? ?。
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