请您把下文翻译成英语吧! The Yellow River,the Chinese nation and five thousand years of Chinese civilization.Regardless of gunpowder,compass,papermaking,printing,or movable led the progress of the world.The wind\",\"elegant\",\"and was born in song ci-poems all mother river.Mother:yes,it not only led the ancestors of material civilization and spiritual civilization and the Yellow River originates in the Yellow River construction.The construction,not only take the name of the Yellow River,adhering to the spirit of:LeiTingWanJun vigour,exploitCourage will-enterprisingDon't refuse trickle mind-holdInto the earth's instinctive-pragmaticOf all feelings,feedingThe love that architecture&as life,and to promote the development of the enterprise.Yellow River construction will ShengShengXiXi worthy of the Yellow River,the people.Shandong Yellow River construction Co.,LTD.Was founded in 1972,is for the nation's housing construction general contracting grade steel structure,specialized contracting grade,。
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