呼啸山庄英文笔记 呼啸山庄读书笔记



呼啸山庄的英语读书笔记 The housekeeper Ellen Dean,or we can call her Nelly,tells most of the story.She witnesses the life of the three-generations in the two 。

呼啸山庄英文笔记 呼啸山庄读书笔记

求一篇《呼啸山庄》的800字读书笔记! 这几天海拉尔的天气开始多风,学校的事也开始多了起来。值班很无聊,决定不去网吧,开始阅读。记得上回和几个朋友一起去成吉思汗广场完,我们几个侃大山,聊到一些外国的名著,大家了的不行,回头想一想,一本《红楼梦》百年名著居然养活一大帮所谓“红学”的专家。所以决定抽出时间去图书馆翻翻以前看过的或没看过的外国文学,以度这多风的春天。《呼啸山庄》以前看的时候是英文版的,不过短而精。没有这么多的体会,但严格的说,这是部残酷的小说。短暂的欢乐只是永恒痛苦的回光返照,人生爱恋的迷狂和仇恨的暴虐,在书里奇怪的集合。披着山林野气的凯瑟琳心于浑身黝黑,顽固不化的希刺克历夫却又听凭一点点的虚荣似的,与上流社会的林少爷定婚,招惹出几代人都无法偿还的灵魂债。希刺克历夫一个恶魔式的英雄,一种顽强力量的象征。他全部的坚毅勇猛和不屈不挠都附诸在对凯瑟琳无望的爱,以及对阻碍爱的现实的一切有关联者的疯狂的报复上。他所有的动机和行为出于他生命本质的需要。可以说他的生命永远以自我为轴心,按照充足的个性化自由运转:就像是他得不到凯瑟琳的爱,就要付出一切来报复破坏他们爱情的人。在书上是这样描述到:“两个词可以概括我的未来—。

求呼啸山庄的读后感要原创(用英语写100个单词即可)如果不原创就不采纳。加油喔大家。 Wuthering Heights,writed Emily Bronte,is really make me fall into a tanglement.Now,let me tell you a detail.I was moving by the true love of Catherine and Heathcliff.Their love is without status and wealth.Catherine is the little daughter of a landlord,while Heathcliff with no money,no status and also be the one lead back by the landlord.Everything is so great and beautiful at the first.But all the good was end up by Cathy's marriage with another man,Edgar Linton.Certainly,the marriage made Heathcliff crazy even though Cathy just want to help Heathcliff with Edgar's weath.Anything should be srrelevant in love,but Cathy made a misteak and Heathcliff too.From then on,he tried to do his best to make reprisals.At last,Cathy was dead with sorrow and Heathcliff live with a broken heat and use his rest life to miss Cathy.In our long life,I think we should not make our whole heat in the bad thing.Everything will be OK,and live a happy life with a clear and tolerable heart。.



