求一篇有关商业道德英语作文,急用, Commercialism nature is one kind of values and code of ethics,its construction,the regularitythat oneself develops also with regard to must accord with outlook on values and ethics.The sametalking,its structure build need going by as follows process:Instil into.Need cognition tomodern commercialism.Can use the teaching method passing on knowledge to carry out commercialismeducation therefore,this also can be called a commercialism instil into.Edify.People needs tolist several aspect below by,cultivating the temperament therefore should be centered on tocome to perfect the appreciation of the beauty mentality structure about the commercialismappreciation of the beauty activity:Literature and art having a pertinency appreciates,thecommerce activity is hit by human relations the landscape appreciation of the beauty,theenvironment aesthetics set up.是南师大杨晓雯班长的吧
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