小小流氓兔大桥未就 你有多怀念男人帮?哪些镜头让你念念不忘?


求英语大神翻译,不要用翻译器 译文:There are always some bizarre bridges in the world that have shocked the world and attracted tourists.The Magdeburg Water Bridge passes through the center of the Ruhr Valley,Germany's industrial capital,and is 918 meters long.It is the longest water bridge in the world.It took than a century for the Germans to build this Magdeburg water bridge.The Magdeburg Water Bridge is a structure that was built to cross roads,railroads,rivers,canyons or other obstacles.The bridge in the impression is nothing than the passing of vehicles,trains,and pedestrians.But in Germany,this bridge was mainly for ships,so one day when crossing the bridge,I saw that the big ships didn’t need to be too panicky.请采纳,谢谢

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以东南西北看射阳为题的议论文 相信大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,特别是占有重要地位的议论文,议论文是以议论为主要表达方法的评论是非曲直、表明主张态度的文体。我们应该怎么写这类型的作文呢?。

小小流氓兔大桥未就 你有多怀念男人帮?哪些镜头让你念念不忘?

高分:找个06年电影列表把,包括出过的和即将出的 二、两大争议题材现世 1、《世贸中心》(World Trade Center) 导演:奥利佛?斯通 主演:尼古拉斯?凯奇、麦奇?吉伦哈尔、玛丽娅?贝罗 发行:派拉蒙 。


