我去自贡英语作文 初一英语作文一般要写多少字


介绍自贡特色的英语作文 自贡市是四川省的一个市,享有“千年盐都”,“恐龙之乡“,”南国灯城”,“美食之府”之美誉。历史上曾产井盐,是中国最早富庶的城市之一。自贡市是世界上最早开发和利用。

保护自贡环境的英语作文 Zigong City is a municipality in Sichuan Province.It enjoys the reputation of\"City of Salt of the Millennium\",\"Home of Dinosaurs\",\"Lantern City of South China\"and\"House of Food\".Salt was produced well in history and is one of the earliest prosperous cities in China.Zigong City is the first place in the world to develop and utilize natural gas and is the earliest industrial center in Sichuan Province.It is also a production base for high-quality commercial grains and pigs in China.

初一英语作文一般要写多少字 初一上一般是5句话,30词左右,初一下就是10句话,字数50字左右。其实试卷上是会有要求的,平时多记课文会让你的写作变得得心应手。都是尽量套用课文的话,改一改单词。所以平时一定要多背诵和默写课文。如果没有问题请【采纳/好评】,如果有问题请继续留言,我们进行讨论!你们的【采纳/好评】是我回答问题的动力,谢谢!【拍照的问题量少点,分多次进行,这样图片才清晰,方便我们答题,提高你的问题回答可能性!

英语作文praise makes me successful the water,the mountain and the people areso familiar to me.I have to face the new people and new environment,there areso many challenges waiting for me.But it。

一篇介绍我的家乡四川的英语作文,要跟旅游挂钩,200-300字, In the midwest of China,there is a small county,called Hongya.It stand in the southwest of Sicuan province.It's a place where contains abundant natural resources.Its terrain is extremely complicated,which consists of hills,mountains,valleys and dams.My hometown has a far-reaching history,especially in agriculture,which happens to be the main source of the income of the local people.Besides,the dairy products processing industry is highly-advanced among the whole nation.My hometown is a habitat of Minor ethnic group.We can live together harmoniously putting aside the national prejudice and discrimination.Therefore,we help each other once any member of the big families is in trouble.Any disasters in my hometown deserves our mutual concerns.

自贡风味小吃作文 臭豆腐说起风味小吃,臭豆腐可算是家喻户晓了.臭豆腐闻起来味道虽然不怎么样,但是吃起来,却比什么都有味道.白色的臭豆腐干浸透在黑红色的汤里,把一只牙签插在白里透黑的臭豆腐上,那黑红的汤汁,喝一口,保你精神百倍.望.

考场救急~急求这样一篇英语作文。 My hometownZiGong is lying near XiZhi river,there are beautiful surroundings,and it is appropriate for people to live.At 21 century,the economic growth pretty quickiy,these years,have built a number o.

写\ 自贡是千年2113盐都,历史悠久,源远流长5261,还素有东方灯城的4102美名,但更有位列世界三1653大恐龙遗址之一的—自贡恐龙博物馆。它建筑宏伟、设计新颖、造型别致,是体现自贡能工巧匠们智慧的又一大力作!自贡的博物馆有着它独有的艺术特色。就拿它的主馆来说吧。远看像一个布满黄土的恐龙蛋,近看却像一只卧着的巨龙,不仅外观让人赞叹,内室也让人称奇。普通的博物馆只是单调地在玻璃柜里陈列化石及名称介绍,让人看了感到毫无新意,印象不深。但自贡的恐龙博物馆却大有突破,它集知识、娱乐和形象于一体.不仅有珍贵的化石和详细的文字介绍,还特意在每一个化石旁配有一个复原的化石模型.三位一体的独特介绍方式让人耳目一新,对化石的了解认识也升华不少,这只是自贡的恐龙博物馆独特的其中一面。博物馆的总占地面积达6.6万平方米,除主馆之外,室外的环境也分外的优美,博物馆以一个小山坡为中心,而且小山坡的周围环绕着许多年代悠久的不知道名字的珍贵树种,但更让人感到始料不及的是山坡上居然还有清澈的泉水奔流,那银色的水柱高约4-6米,宽约2-3米,咋一看,也有点小瀑布的意思了,算是点缀在博物馆里的一道袖珍风景线。坡下有一片宽阔的草地,草地上熙熙攘攘的分布有近十种。

我去自贡英语作文 初一英语作文一般要写多少字


