英语翻译 sanxingduiSanxingdui in sichuan province,the town is guanghan south of the Bronze Age in southwest China.Because of its out about three or four kilometers guanghan sichuan has three abrupt in chengdu plains of loess,hence the name sanxingdui.Sites since 1980,has now found a excavation site,two large JiSiKeng unearthed bronze,have large,jade,ivory,stone,gold,ceramics and vivid representation in the early civilization along the Yangtze river.Sanxingdui creation and broke the world record in China and several hundreds,show the rarities impressively,stunned the world,known as the\"miracle\",the first.The panda basePanda base is located in chengdu,covers an area of northern mountain axe of than 60 million square meters,is the giant panda breeding ground for protection,the important place,scientific research,and the beasts of the complete feed room,medical,building and giant panda museum.Base of green,green banboos rose,bubbling streams,greenbelt 96%of construction for giant pandas and。
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英文翻译,拜托了各位大侠! The sun shines brilliantly among green montains winded by clouds and fogs,Which reminds me of the scene when Wendy,Michael and John first came to Neverland.However,The heroes of our story,Peter Pan and his fellows,has started an unforgetable adventure on this mysterous island.
哪位大侠帮我把下面文段翻译成英文 Lucas was like me,these small lifeso lightly,with his gun,to use his feet to the ants brought almost catastrophe.Right into the ant colony,he wasso arrogant 。
请各位大侠帮我起个英文名。 Momoko 桃子娃娃Jenny 詹妮Joyce 乔伊斯Joanna 乔安娜Cherry 彻丽赛琳娜=Salina 凯瑟琳=Catherine希望沵僖欢~。