关于英国配偶签证的英语考试问题,这个怎么考啊?北京在哪里考? 去英国见配偶需要考什么


在国内办理去英国的配偶签证需要哪些证明文件 If you are currently outside the UKIf you are subject to immigration control and you are married to or in a civil partnership with a British citizen or person who is settled here,you can apply for permission to come to the UK in this category.Your husband,wife or civil partner must be at least 21 years old(or 18 years old if you or they are a serving member of HM Forces),and must be:currently living and settled in the UK;orreturning to the UK with you to live here permanently.You must show that:you are legally married to each other or have registered a civil partnership;you are going to live together permanently as husband and wife,or as civil partners;you have met each other;you can support yourselves and any dependants without help from public funds;you have adequate accommodation where you and your dependants can live without help from public funds;andyou are at least 21 years old(or 18 years old if you or your husband,wife or civil partner is a serving member of HM 。

关于英国配偶签证的英语考试问题,这个怎么考啊?北京在哪里考? 去英国见配偶需要考什么

英国配偶结婚定居签证考英文A1级别的,要考哪几部分?听说读写都要考吗? 我建议你听说读写都考了吧。现在4月6号以后又收紧考试政策了,如果你只考听说说不定哪天就又要重新考了。我上次考试的时候听北京律达考试中心的老师说的。

关于英国配偶签证的英语考试问题,这个怎么考啊?北京在哪里考? 你要考的是IESOL考试,办定居签证的考A1级别,工作签证的听说考B1了。我是律达考试中心北京东直门东方银座B17E考的试,那是成立最早,被英国北京领馆认可的唯一一家在北京。




