小学生 英语怎么说 小学生的由来中英文版



小学生 英语怎么说 小学生的由来中英文版

小学生英语故事 Last week,Mrs Black went to London.She didn’t know London very well,and she lost her way.Suddenly she saw a man near a bus stop.She went up to the man and said,“Excuse me。Can you tell me the way to the hospital,please?The man smiled.He didn’t know He came from Germany.But then he put his hand into his pocket,and took out an dictionary.He looked up some words.Then he said slowly,“I’m sorry I can’t understand you.”上周,布莱克夫人去了一趟伦敦。她不太熟悉伦敦,结果她迷路了。突然她在一个公共汽车站附近看见一位男子。她急忙向这位男子走去,说道:“劳驾您一下!请您告诉我去医院的路,好吗?这位男子笑了。他听不懂英语。他来自德国。但是他将手伸进了自己的衣袋里,从里面掏出了一本英语词典。他查找到了一些单词。然后他一字一句地说:“我很抱歉我听不懂你说的话。

地球日的由来(小学中英文) Andso it came to pass we initiated the celebration of Earth Day on March 21,1970.The first Proclamation of Earth Day was by San Francisco,the City of Saint 。

急求小学生英语中英文小故事 Will Give It to the Lord MyselfAn old man put a dollar on the Salvation Army drum and asked a young man on the left:What do you do with the money?Give it to the Lord.How old are you,young man?Twenty-one.I am eighty-nine,\"said the old man as he recovered his dollar from the drum.\"You don't need to bother.I will likely see the Lord before you do,and I will give it to the Lord myself.\"我将亲手把它交给上帝一个老人把一美圆放在救世军(基督教的一种传教组织,编制仿部队形式)军鼓上后,向左边的一个年轻人问道,“你用钱来做些什么?“把它(钱)交给上帝。“你多大了,年轻人?“21岁。“我已经89了”,老人边说边把鼓上的钱收回。“你不用担心这个了,看起来我更加有可能比你先去见上帝,我将自己亲手把它交给上帝。(这则故事大概的意思是救世军在向百姓筹集捐款时发生的。年轻人应该是救世军的一员)

我是一个小学生英文怎么说 “我2113是一个小学生”英文是“I am a pupil”。pupil读音:英5261['pju?p?l;p(?)l]美[pjupl]词义解4102释:n:小学生;学生;门生,1653弟子【法律】(有监护人的)未成年人;受监护人近义词:student、scholar词组短语:exit pupil 出射光瞳;后透光孔pupil dilation 瞳孔扩张;瞳孔放大例句:The pupil divided the pencils by colour.这名小学生按颜色把铅笔分类。

“小学生”英文怎么说 Primary school students例句:1.小学生5261往往很钦佩老师。4102Schoolchildren often have/get crushes on teachers.2.他在1653向小学生贩卖海洛因时被捕。He was caught pushing heroin to schoolchildren.3.教师希望给小学生读宗教故事来提高他们的修养。The teacher hoped to elevate the minds of her young pupils by reading them religious stories.4.你的班里有多少名小学生?How many pupils are there in your class?5.这辆公共汽车里挤满了吵吵嚷嚷的小学生。The bus was packed with noisy schoolchildren.6.小学生围著(老师)提问题。Pupils crowded round(their teacher)to ask questions.

