我的房间比你的房间大两倍(三种) 用英文怎么翻译?急!!! 你的房间真是太好了翻译成英语


英语翻译 1·我的图片和他的一样美丽.My picture is as beautiful as his2·这个房间不如那个房间大.This room isn't as big as that one3·天气变得越来越爽了.It gets colder and colder4·我们的城市越来越漂亮了.Our city is becoming and beautiful5·露西做作业比蒂姆认真.Lucy does homework carefully than Tim6·你越努力学习就越自信.The harder you study,the confident you will be7·约翰是两个男孩中比较勤奋的那个.John is the diligent one between the two boys8·我现在感觉好多了.Now I feel better9·Tom每天都练习弹吉他.Tom practises playing the guita everyday10·Sam不如他的哥哥足球踢得好.Sam doesn't play football as well as his elder brother11·—你哥哥不喜欢英语是吗?Your brother doesn't like football,does he?不,他喜欢.Yes,he does12·—安妮是一名护士,不是吗?Anny is a nurse,isn't she?不,她不是.Yes,she is

我的房间比你的房间大两倍(三种) 用英文怎么翻译?急!!! 你的房间真是太好了翻译成英语


你的房间真的很乱,东西到处都是英语 Your room is really messy,there are things lying everywhere.你的房间真是乱七八糟的,到处都有东西.

我的房间很漂亮怎么翻译成英文 My room is very beautiful.My room is very pretty.I have a very beautiful room.(我有个很漂亮的房间)

英语翻译 you are a rude guy。look at your room。such a mass。you are a careful boy who is loved by girls。now,please clean up your room to what it is formal like。plusminusmultiply or time


