证券市场中的“中小投资者”用英文怎么说? Small and medium investor英语翻译 This paper from sources within and outside financing source of financing for SMEs,the status of the financing difficulties of the current situation described,which foreign financing mainly from the di.英语翻译一般来说这个时期的企业尤其是中小企业是很难获得资金的,但是由于先前时期的积累企业可以在不改变其资本结构的情况下通过发债这种形式进一步利用财务杠杆效应来获得资金.这是因为一方面,衰退期既是企业的夕阳期,也是企业新活力的孕育期.在资本市场相对发达的情况下,如果新进行业的增长性及市场潜力巨大,则理性投资者会甘愿冒险,高负债率即意味着高收益率,如果新进行业并不理想,投资者会对未来投资进行自我判断, 请将下文译为英语 for the past few years,as China's state-owned enterprise reform has been accelerating gradually,the pace of capital markets appear constantly new problems.Securities market frequent big shareholders embezzled funds of listed company,big shareholders fraud small investors and listed company financial disclosure of such illegal violations discipline phenomenon,seriously hindered the development of the securities market,and damages the interests of investors.From securities markets appear many listed companies saw on the governance issues of corporate governance problems,mostly for financial problems,and showed the root cause of these problems arise in corporate governance for the defects,so the company's financial management research is before us;must issues that need to be resolved.Because the company financial management and corporate governance objectively exists between the relationship,interdependent relationship,and the current problems existing in the financial management,can 。被动投资者用英语怎么说? 主动投资者:positive investor被动投资者:passive investor英语翻译 There is relatively narrow scope for unlisted stocks to raise fund with pretty small amount,which is suitable for the financing demands of SMEs.Moreover,it's not necessary for unlisted companies to re.用英语小短文介绍投资者这个单词 Work tomorrow morning so I'm gonna get the。很高兴第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳。如果对本题还有什么疑问,请追问。两把尺子,投资者说张文艺,两把尺子英语怎么说,两把 两把尺子 Two rulers;尺子[词典]ruler;rule;[例句]尺子裂开了,碎成了小片。The ruler cracked and splintered into pieces
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