胖的英文怎么说? 我好像长胖了 英语


1.我对你的日渐发胖的情况表示遗憾,[以 I'm sorry to learn that.开头] 1.I'm sorry to learn that you are getting fatter and fatter2.You will be turn back to the same beautiful as before and regain confidence\ 地道的英语说法是:You‘d better keep fit,you seem gain flesh these days You should keep fit,because you look a little bit fatter recently.You should keep fit,it。我觉得你好像是胖了一点 英语 I think you fatter a little.胖的英文怎么说? 胖的英2113文是fat。词汇分析音标:英[f?t]美[f?t]释义:5261adj.肥的,胖的;油腻4102的;丰满的n.脂肪,肥肉vt.养肥;在…1653中加入脂肪vi.长肥短语blood fat 血脂low fat 低脂chew the fat 闲谈;聊天fat content 脂肪含量a fat lot[俚]几乎不;很少fat man 胖人例句1、He doesn't eat fat.他不吃肥肉。2、The lambs must be made off fat early in summer.初夏时必须把羊羔喂肥以便出售。3、The pickpocket relieved the fat passenger of all his money.扒手把那位胖旅客的钱全偷走了。4、But also,you need some fat.但同时,你需要一些脂肪。5、Identifying the presence of brown fat is one thing,but activating it to burn glucose is another.确定棕色脂肪的存在是一回事,但激活它让它燃烧更多葡萄糖是另一回事。请问“长胖了”“体重增加了”英语怎么说 gain some weight 长胖了一点gain a lot of weight 胖了好多一位英文男歌手,长的挺胖的好像。 leon jackson英语翻译 1.Do you think my hair too long and need a cut?2.It seems you are gaining/losing some weight.3.The couples' wedding was held on May 08.4.What A coincidence。We are living in the same street.我的可能不.长胖,英语怎么说 fat读音:2113英[f?t]美[f?t]释义:adj.肥的,胖5261的;油腻的;丰满的n.脂肪,肥肉vt.养肥4102;在…中加入脂肪vi.长肥n.(Fat)人名;(法、西1653、塞)法特;(东南亚国家华语)发短语:fat chance[美口]希望渺茫;很少可能(作反语)body fat 体脂肪;体脂重blood fat 血脂low fat 低脂chew the fat 闲谈;聊天

