英语翻译机械原理,是研究机械中机构的结构和运动,以及机器的结构、受力、质量和运动的学科.人们一般把机构和机器合称为机械.机构是由两个以上的构件通过活动联接以实现规定运动的组合体.机器是由一个或一个以上的机构组成,用来作有用的功或完成机械能与其他形式的能量之间的转换.这一学科的主要组成部分为机构学和机械动力学.不要复制到金山快译里面然后粘贴出来,最好能自己能改一下。分给翻译最好的! 英语翻译 Instruction to industrial design,basis of design,engineering graphics,basis of engineering,basisi of mechnic design,moulding material and cfraft basis,product system design,the principles of advertising,introduction to communication,visual communication design,packaging design,decorating design,priciple and method of product design,design of home appliance style,computer aided design,introduction to art,product development design,theory of morphological design,design aesthetics,engineering mechanics,material mechanics机械原理英文介绍(帮忙把下面的文字翻译成英语) 请相信我的翻译,杜绝机译,翻译确切。Mechanical Principle is a subject that studies the structure and movement of mechanisms in machineries,and the structure,exerted force,mass,and movement of machines.People generally call mechanism and machine jointly as machinery.Mechanism is a combination object that realizes specified movement through than two moving joints.Machine is composed of one or above one mechanism,and it is used to do useful work or complete the energy conversion between mechanical energy and other forms of energies.The main components of this subject are mechanism and mechanical dynamics.
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