求it's a man's world, Christina Aguilera唱的mp3版本的 it s a man world迪翁


It's a Man's Man's Man's World的歌词 This is a man's world,this is a man's world 这是一个男人的世界,这是一个男人的世界。But it wouldn't be nothing,nothing without a woman or a girl 。

It's a man's world 澳大利亚好声音 Karise Eden-It's a Man's World已经发送,请注意查收。若符合你所求的资源,还望选为满意回答。

一个男的唱 It's a man's world 第一句 4个评委就同时秒转 最后还膜拜样子的 这个是哪个选秀节目 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666

it's a man's world空间背景音乐可用的连接,Karise Eden的。谁有啊,急用急用。 。祝你愉快。

求一首英文歌的歌名~~歌词开头是:It's a little bie funny,it's feeling inside..后面记不清了~~谢谢了 Elton John《your song》附上歌词:It's a little bit funny this feeling inside I'm not one of those who can easily hide I don't have much money but boy if I did I。

求it's a man's world, Christina Aguilera唱的mp3版本的 希望它对你有用望采纳!

It S A Man S,Man S World 歌词

歌名:it s a man s man s man s world 歌手:joss stone求这首歌曲的短外连。 http://mp3.baidu.com/d?song=it+s+a+man+s+world&singer=the%20shadows&album=the+early+years+1959-1966&appendix=&size=943718&cat=0&attr=0

It S A Man S Man S Man S World (Live) 歌词

求一首歌的中文翻译谢谢拉 It's A Man's Man's Man's World This is a man's world,this is a man's world这是一个属于男人们的世界,这是一个属于男人们的世界But it wouldn't be nothing,nothing without a woman or a girl但若这个世界失去任何一个女孩或女士,都会变得一无是处 黯然失色You see,mn made the cars to take us over the road如你我所见,男人发明了外燃机 使汽车带我们遍地周游Man made the trains to carry heavy loads男人发明了火车 让火车来背运沉重的负荷Man made electric light to take us out of the dark男人发明了电灯 让人们走出了夜晚的漆黑一片Man made the boat for the water,like,like Noah made the ark男人为了使于水面 发明了船只 就像 就宛如诺亚创造了方舟This is a man's,a man's,a man's world这是一个世界 充满了男人 男人的创造But it wouldn't be nothing,nothing without a woman or a girl但若这个世界失去任何一个女孩或女士,都会变得无任何意义 暗淡无光Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys男人对于柔弱娇小的女孩子的所思所想和小男孩所见Man makes then happy,Cause man makes them toys男人必将喜笑颜开 因为男人们给他们发明了。

求it's a man's world, Christina Aguilera唱的mp3版本的 it s a man world迪翁

