世界地球日主题演讲:保护地球演讲稿 拯救地球演讲稿


关于“拯救地球”为话题的英语演讲稿, The earth mother,is the source of life,is the symbol of life,is to give our lives for mother。To save the earth is to save the future,there are a lot of\"child\"in say so.But we have the actual action?They just talk about it,and not to care about。The earth is our common home,do you want to see their own homes were destroyed?Human ah。Please don't refuse to realize one's error of the destruction of homes,we have only one earth。And the green is so valuable,because it is life,hope,comfort,is the symbol of happiness。The earth-the human life cradle,let us hand in hand together with carefully to protect our own home。


英语演讲稿:拯救地球 我最差的一课就是英语了!

帮忙写一篇关于拯救地球的演讲稿 Hello,everyboby,my name is.Our earth is in great danger.why?Let me tell you.Now.We usually throw too much rubbish.Then.we always waste of a lot of water.How can we save the earth?First.we can use the water than one time.Second,we shoud not throw rubbish on the floor.There are too many way to help for save the earth.In a word.Let save the earth.



世界地球日主题演讲:保护地球演讲稿 拯救地球演讲稿

世界地球日主题演讲:保护地球演讲稿 应届毕业生网提醒您,演讲时一定要注意:普通话标准,声音自信响亮,注意语句的顿挫,反问互动。您的演讲一定会大放异彩。尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学:大家好。。

速求一篇英文演讲稿.题目——How can I save the earth?怎样拯救地球.谢。 With economic development,Pollution is everywhere…So in our daily lives to reduce environmental damage,such as to use a one-time thing less and less.Now stop pollution。save the earth。

保护地球的演讲稿 朋友们:当人类第一次离开地球,在太空遥望自己的家乡时,人们这才惊讶地发现,在目前已知的宇宙星体中,唯有我们人类的家园—地球,才是一颗蔚蓝色的星球。生命意味着蔚蓝,而蔚蓝意味着生命;使地球上的一切生命能够得以生存的大气和水,也使我们的地球成为一颗蔚蓝色的星体,一颗充满生命的星体。不过,大自然在人类面前,有时也会变的光怪陆离,越来越难以驾驭了。从加利福尼亚的暴风雪到孟加拉平原的大洪水,从席卷地中海沿岸的高温热流到持续多年不肯缓解的非洲高原的大面积干旱,地球仿佛在发疟疾似地颤抖,人类竟然也像倒退了一万年似的束手无策。如果说,人类受到大自然的威胁,这多少有点“无可奈何花落去”之哀叹;那么人类去“威胁”大自然,这岂e799bee5baa6e59b9ee7ad9431333262383639不是莫大的罪过?曾经是中亚地区最大水域之一的罗布泊湖,在本世纪70年代还是一个大湖,但是到了80年代,一湖汪汪之水已被可怕的满地鸟尸所代替,难怪彭加木找不到水!又如,被誉为“华北明珠”的白洋淀在1984年的春夏之际再次干涸,波光粼粼的水面从此不见,白洋淀底黄沙朝天。这种人为造成的后果,怎不叫人痛惜?在对大自然的索取与探索中,作为“征服者”的人类,。


