你看到了什么 英语翻译 你都看到了谁英语翻译


你看到了什么 英语翻译 What did you see?What have you seen?祝你开心.

英语翻译 Every morning wake up with you and sunshine,that's the very future in my heart.

英语翻译 嗯,上面那位机译吧,还是我来帮你一把吧~。【人工翻译】I got your information on Internet,and now i hope to be your pen pals.Actually,I am a chinese boy,14-year-old,who want to improve that's why i want to find a pen pals on internet.I am good at Chinese,in fact,we can improve our foreign language from each other as well as being good friends.Looking forward your rely.O(∩_∩)O哈哈~,可能是自己翻译慢排在后面了,还是采纳吧~。

英语翻译 个人认为Who am I to you?对.但还是觉得有点生硬,却又想不出更好的翻译,真不好意思.to you是对你来说,for you是为你给你,比如it's for you这是给你的.I cry for you.我为你哭泣.没见过your who.who am i your.应该也是错的.

英语翻译 Can you see the shooting stars in the sky?Can you feel a broken heart?shooting star比较通俗一点,如果破碎的心是特指自己的也可以把a换成my

‘你看到什么?’‘你还看到什么?’‘你又能看到什么?’英语翻译 What did you see?What else did you see?第三句你又能看到什么?可以意译为你什么都看不到!You couldn't see anyting。

英语翻译 正确译文:1.What is drawn in the picture?(如是油画、水彩画,则用painted)What song is he singing?2.What do you see in the picture.In the picture,I can see a lot of figures.


你看到了什么 英语翻译 你都看到了谁英语翻译

英语翻译 语言有时是很微妙的,就像华文一样.这句话‘I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing.’是很道地的.你不可以从每次都从直译的角度来试图明白英语的,这也就是为什么很多人都学不好英文的原因.语感是很重要的,而要训练语感一定要多读多听多看英文的.当你英文达到一定的水平,你就会明白这句句子的美妙之处了


