英语翻译 I asked him just now and he said he had been to there but he couldn't get much salary from the boss so he would like to consider for much time.对不起,刚才没考虑到你的感受,但我希望你们在一起 翻译 I am sorry just now I didn't consider about your felling,however I hope you guys can get together.英语翻译 1.Don't make a conclusion before doing the rearch carefully.2.I've begun to consider what to do next.3.Do you think that hope and dream are the same.4.make,hear英语翻译 手工:I want you think about me though you have your own idea and you are adultness.If you get your decision,i will wish for you.前面几位翻的是中国式英语啊,.英语翻译 i took money so that we wouldn't run out of it.considering his abillity,we provided him with the project.英语翻译 I have arranged to print Mark,will be finished soon.due to we have to apply to the customs.I want to booking ship in mid of April求翻译成英语:请放心,我该考虑到的费用都已考虑到了,该承担的费用我之前也已经全部承担了。我现在 I've noticed all the charges need to concern and paid all the charges should be paid.Now i will ask the forwarder to check with shiping company and pls wait for our reply.希望采纳
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