以游客身份介绍舟山英语 以游客身份介绍舟山To introduce the zhoushan as tourists望采纳!谢谢!帮我把自我介绍写成英文 Distinguished teacher:hello,I'm very honored to have the opportunity to an interview for your school's integrated quality interview.My name is EDA,from the beauty of the thousand island city of zhoushan,zhoushan in zhejiang province is high school science students of grade 4 class.I work serious,and sometimes introverted sometimes cheerful,reason and sensibility.In high school,my favorite subject is chemistry and biology,spare time,I like to talk about IT with your classmates.First came to zhejiang university,I was her charm deeply attracted.Library side of the sunflower,simple and elegant stone.Really is very beautiful.Very yearning after graduating from high school can study here.Hope to get you,I will try my best to show the teacher's approval.我来自四川,现转学读于舟山第一中学八年级一班,英语翻译 我来自四川,现转学读于舟山第一中学八年级一班I am from Sichuan,is now in grade eight transfer to read the Zhoushan first middle school class,translation有哪些关于舟山的冷知识? http://weixin.qq.com/r/YS5xaeXE9riJraEK93tz(二维码自动识别)问题:舟山群岛近海的海水为什么多数时间…求英文翻译谢谢,不要在线翻译~ 上述翻译成英文是:My mood is very excited because I almost never met townee in New York.After a few standing,the young lady got off,leaving only boy still sit at my door.I can't help but ask him,he is from zhejiang zhoushan surprising saw my one eye,then nodded said.This moment we all smiled,our short chatted days,and exchanged contacts,I think it really is a very lucky浙江省舟山市岱山县衢山镇 用英语怎么写 求高手指点迷津 Daishan County of Zhejiang province Zhoushan City Jinqu town 要采纳或好评哦-来自知道专业认证教师在舟山中学就读是怎么一番体验? 离开舟中已经五年,直到前两天在一件旧衣服的兜里翻出一张粉红色的开水票,才意识到原来高中已经离我那么…我的英语很糟糕,地道的怎么说? 只要语法用词没错,表达准确无误,你多在人前说,不地道都变成地道了!你说得绝对没有问题!
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