有一首歌的MV,只记得情节.请大家帮忙看下 实在是不知道。几年前的?李秀英的 grace?是韩国的也很感人,也是几年前的。但和你说剧情有点不一样。不知道你看没看过,如果没看过就看看吧,挺好的
少女时代the boys mv中口红的颜色 就是裸色,现在很流行的2113裸色。第一张5261 遮瑕+裸色唇膏打底,然4102后浅橙色唇膏(上唇的里面1653一半加下唇)+透明的唇蜜。第二张 遮瑕+浅粉色唇膏或唇蜜。第三张 遮瑕+裸色唇膏。第四张 遮瑕+裸色唇膏第五张徐贤的唇妆跟上面Tiffany的相反,遮瑕,用浅橙色唇膏打底,双唇外面的一半涂裸色唇膏+透明的唇蜜(可能带有珠光成分~我看大图是很晶莹像果冻一样的效果)。
“是谁让你哭红了双眼,你却依旧念念不忘”是哪首歌的歌词? 我以为 演唱:品冠 你曾说不想有天让我知道 你对他有那么好 你说会懂我的失落 不是靠宽容就能够解脱 我以为我出现的时候刚好 你和他正说要分开 我以为你已对他不再期待 不。
最近很火的歌 病名为爱 看MV感觉很压抑 这首歌想表达什么中心思想啊? 在网上找的,?????病名为爱这首歌的故事01每一个恋爱的人,都是病人。有的人好转了,有的人恶化了…
如何评价TaylorSwift霉霉delicate mv? 忘记守直播 晚上九点多在ins上看到霉女发的片段才想起来看(自扇耳光130次)刚看到片段很气 以为又是戏精…
MV是一个房间里坐了几个人,一个女的在他们面前跳舞,穿着黑色的内衣。很性感。 后来那些男的就一起鼓掌了。
急求一首欧美歌曲,mv中只有女人。。。。而且都是带着帽子,只露嘴巴,涂的是红的口红 你看看是不是这个 http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMTQ1MTI4NzI=/v.swf这首歌是Christina Aguilera 的Candyman,那3个不同发色的都是Christina,只不过都弄到同一个画面里了歌词I met him out for dinner on a Friday nightHe really had me working up an appetiteHe had tattoos up and down his armThere's nothing dangerous than a boy with charmHe's a one stop shop,makes the panties dropHe's a sweet-talkin',sugar coated candy manA sweet-talkin',sugar coated candymanOh yeah.He took me to the Spider Club at Hollywood and VineWe drank champagne and we danced all nightWe shook the paparazzi for a big surprisethe gossip tonight will be tomorrow's headlineHe's a one stop shop,makes my cherry popHe's a sweet-talkin',sugar coated candy manA sweet-talkin',sugar coated candymanSe bop bopHey yeah.He's a one stop shop,makes my cherry popHe's a sweet-talkin',sugar coated candy man ohA sweet-talkin',sugar coated candymanWoo yeahWell by now I'm getting all bothered and hotWhen he kissed my mouth 。
有一首歌 是一个外国女的唱的 英文歌 mv里的人是口红很红的 歌名有 love on candystripe legs the spiderman comessoftly through the shadow of the evening sunstealing past the windows of the blissfully deadlooking for the victim shivering in bedsearching out fear in the gathering gloom andsuddenly。a movement in the corner of the room。and there is nothing i can dowhen i realise with frightthat the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight。quietly he laughs and shaking his headcreeps closer nowcloser to the foot of the bedand softer than shadow and quicker than flieshis arms are all around me and his tongue in my eyesbe still be calm be quiet now my precious boydon't struggle like that or i will only love you for it's much too late to get away or turn on the lightthe spiderman is having you for dinner tonightand i feel like i'm being eatenby a thousand million shivering furry holesand i know that in the morning i will wake upin the shivering coldand the spiderman is always hungry